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Gift Bag- Day 2

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

(John 1:15, NIV)

A word ‘in season’; spoken at just the right time! What solace that can bring to a soul that is weary, worn and crushed.

If ever there was a year that had the potential to wear out or to crush, it was certainly 2020. Confusion, brokenness, despair on so many different fronts, with so many different faces.

As we near the end of this year, are you perhaps standing and staring at the wreckage left in its wake – a sea of broken dreams, shattered hopes? The question resonating through your heart and soul is “is there any hope?”.

Well, Dear Friend, the answer to this ‘hope question’, lies in where that hope is grounded. For the Christian believer, the hope we have is grounded in the word (and in the Word) of God!

Nathanael opening Day 2's gift!

Whenever the word of God is spoken into a situation of hopelessness and death– it carries into that situation, hope and life! Because the word of God is “living and active” (Hebrews 4:12), it’s a word that effects change wherever it is spoken! Remember, it was the word of the Lord that spoke the world into existence in Genesis! God said “Let there be...” (Genesis 1:3) & there was!

God reminds you and me through the prophet Isaiah:

“My word will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10 – 11.

As the bones of dead hopes and dreams connect with the all-powerful word of God – something starts to happen. That which is scattered starts coming together. That which is dead starts showing signs of life. There is a breath of renewed hope that that which is dead in our lives can indeed live again!

Friends, may we never underestimate the power of God’s word! Avail yourself to hear God’s word this season – and please do avail yourself to hear it – make it a priority! It’s at that point of contact with the word of God that hope is restored; life is brought to situations of death!

Our hope is grounded in the word of the One Who is forever faithful and true.

….Wait…Before you go…

This would be an ‘OK’ place to end, but it would be incomplete. We said at the start that a word spoken at just the right time brings solace to a soul that is weary, worn and crushed. But, the Christmas story is not just about a ‘spoken’ word, is it – as powerful as the spoken word is! Instead, it really is about the LIVING WORDJesus Christ…(John 1:1-5):

  • The Word who was in ‘in the beginning’;

  • The Word who was with God, and

  • The Word who was (and is) God;

  • The Word through whom all things were made and

  • The Word without whom nothing was made that has been made;

  • The Word in whom was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

Advent and Christmas is really about the Word coming to us in the person of the Bethlehem Babe; the Christmas Child! It’s about a Holy God, seeing us unable to live up to His holy standard as recorded in his written word. Refusing to leave us in our state of groveling and hopelessness, he stoops down to our level and presents to us the Living Word, His only son, wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.

The Living Word, of whom the written word speaks, is who this season is all about. A word spoken and received in season brings solace indeed. The Living Word received gives salvation and eternal life.


Thank you for your words of life,

Bringing peace and comfort to my soul;

Thank you for your Word, the Christ,

Giving forgiveness, salvation; making whole.


Day 2's Gift revealed...

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