Dad I salute you, in honour I stand,
A man among men, you excel; Where others may have fallen, you stood firm,
Where others have stumbled, you ran well.
Dad, if I can be just half the man you are,
Possess a fraction of your patience and care;
Then, no doubt I’d be a sterling example,
Of faithfulness, fortitude, true and fair.
I know you’ll downplay your strengths,
Not wanting to appear arrogant or proud;
But Dad, you need not self-proclaim,
These speak for themselves lavishly loud.
Thank you for providing, protecting o’er the years;
For shov’ling your own needs selflessly aside;
Without a verb'lised mumble, a murmur, a moan,
You lovingly endeavoured, your family’s needs to provide.
As a husband, your unwavering faithfulness,
Shone brightest when it counted most;
When mom needed a pillar, a prop in her pain,
You were a pylon, of which few wives can boast.
Indeed, Dad I salute you, in honour I stand,
I’ll ever praise God for the gift you are;
I know if your sons attain a fraction of your traits,
We’d have exceeded many others by far.