“Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing. Be clean!” “ (Mark 1:41)
The man in this account, makes a proposal-“if you are willing” Seconds must have seemed like forever, as he waited for Jesus’ reply.
In the seconds between the man’s request and Jesus reply, Jesus does something-“Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him“Why was this action so significant? The leper would not have experienced a human tou
ch for a long time. His condition would have isolated him!
Of course Jesus knew that the ultimate need in this man’s life was a cure for his condition of leprosy.But I wonder as the Master looked into this man’s eyes whether he saw what others failed to see: the rejection, loneliness, the need for a human touch!
Dear friend, at times it may seem God is silent.At times it may seem there’s a delay; but the reality is even in the moments of seeming delay, God’s grace is at work in your life. The grace of God, dealing with those things in your life that needs dealing with. The leper’s main focus was his leprosy, Jesus also saw his need to be touched.
When humankind was wallowing about in its cesspool of sin. Sinners in need of a Saviour. God, moved with compassion, gave Jesus! Jesus, moved with compassion said: “I am willing!” He lays down his life. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” Rom 5:6
Today, the Loving Saviour, looks upon us – in our hopelessness-says: “I am willing: To forgive; To heal; To restore!” May you hear Him say that to you right now!