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Writer's pictureWayne George

"God is Not Angry With You!"

This morning while preparing breakfast for Ezekiel and Nathanael, I broke a glass tumbler in the kitchen sink.

I exclaimed: “O shucks! I broke a glass, boys!” Thinking I could teach them a valuable lesson, I continued: “You see, that’s why Mommy and Daddy always say you must be gentle when putting glasses into the sink. They can break!” Without a hesitation, came a reply from Zeke that

gave rise to this Nugget of Hope for today.

“Don’t worry Daddy! Nobody is angry with you! Because that’s what family does! We care for each other!”

From the mouths of babes indeed!

This is for you Dear Friend! You who have messed up. You who have “failed”once again. You, who are sitting with the shattered pieces of yesterday’s mistakes in your hands, beating yourself up about it. Your word for today! Your Nugget of hope:

“Don’t worry! Nobody’s angry with you! That’s what family does! We care for each other!”

Do our “mistakes”, “errors in judgment”, our sins disappoint the Father? Do they hurt His heart? Of course they do. The last thing He wants for His children is to go down a path that leads to inevitable destruction; He wants us to be drawn closer to Him not to be separated from Him – and that’s what sin does.

However, despite the hurt to his heart and the Fatherly disappoin

tment He feels due to our sinning, He still reaches out in love; He still reaches out in mercy and grace. He still says, from His heart to yours and mine: “ "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (Jeremiah 31:3).

Friend, return to God today! Call out to Him! Ask Him to forgive you, restore you, to put back that which the enemy has robbed you off.

The devil has tripped you up; you have fallen; you have sinned perhaps, and I am sorry about that my friend. I know the guilt that comes with that. However, hear this word today loudly and clearly – God is not angry with you! You are His child! He loves you!

After all, that’s what family does! We care for each other!

God’s peace and blessings today and always.


Father, I am so sorry

For the shortcomings in my life,

Sorry for the hurt it causes You,

The strife;

Thank you that I can ask you now,

for Grace to abound to me

Thank you for your Forgivness

Your promise to set me free

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