"Sovereign LORD, you alone know" (Ezekiel 37:3).
Have you ever faced a situation of utter, desperate hopelessness, where way out of the situation seemed impossible; the future looked bleak?
Well the context to this verse is one of hopelessness and despair both on a national level for the Israelites (Jerusalem was destroyed; the temple razed to the ground; the Israelites were taken captive by the Babylonians) as well as on a personal level for Ezekiel. This “PK” (“Priest’s Kid”) had a promising future as a priest in Jerusalem. With that now destroyed, he is led away to a foreign land with no credentials other than the call of God upon his life. As if that was not enough trauma for a young man to endure, his darling wife, the “delight of his eyes” (Ezekiel 24:16), dies. Ezekiel is 34 years old!
It’s in the midst of this great hopelessness, both on a national and personal level, that God gives Ezekiel a vision. He leads Ezekiel to a Valley of Dry Bones! Quite literally – the valley of death!
As Ezekiel is led back and forth amongst these dry bones, God poses a striking question to him: “Son of man, can these bones live?” Can these bones which speak of the hopes of my people, ever be restored to life! Can the hopes and dreams of my people possibly be revived?
Ezekiel, having been through stuff himself; having been through the valley of death with his own precious wife – the delight of his eyes- is faced with a question that He does not have the answer for.
Even though it was part of his ministry as prophet to answer the questions of others, to provide godly counsel when needed – here was a question that he cannot answer.
What does Ezekiel do? He reverts it back to God – the omniscient, all knowing one, and says: "Sovereign Lord, you alone know”.
Friend, have you been in a valley like this? Are you perhaps in one now. Dryness, dearth and death is all that lies at your feet. You have more questions than what you have answers for.
Is there any hope?
Well friends, without elaborating here on the how, when or where. The nugget I leave with you is this: Those dead bones in your life can live again! Those hopes that lie shattered at in your valley can be restored. Don’t give up, give in or give out!
Like the prophet Ezekiel, you may find ourselves standing with your head in our hands saying:“Sovereign Lord, you alone know”. Guess what. He does!
Lord, many things I don’t understand,
Much I cannot fathom or grasp
Help me rest in the fact that You know
You will always my weak hand clasp