“Then the woman left her water jar and went back to city”. (John 4:29)
Bible Reading: John 4:27-42
On a hot, dusty Samaritan road, a weary, worn-out traveller, encounters Jesus. After meeting Him, she leave her water jar at his feet.
What did that water jar represent? It represented a need didn’t it? If there was no physical need for water, there would be no need for a water jar.
There at Jacob’s well, this woman leaves her water jar at the feet of Jesus, almost suggesting that her need had been met. That which she was searching for had been found.
We don’t know what the weight of that jar would have been, but as she puts it down, it symbolizes her laying down the burdens that had been weighing her down for so long. The burdens of her soul that had for a long time bent her over with anguish, shame and guilt. By leaving those burdens at the feet of Jesus, she could now stand up straight, lift up her head and look the world in the eye again.
Dear Reader, what’s weighing you down today? Will you leave at the feet of the One who offers you rest?
Lord, I am tired. Please give me rest. I am thirsty, please quench that thirst with your living water. Grant me the grace to carry on.