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The"Royal"Stable (Advent - Day 5)

TEXT: “And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”(Luke 2:7).

CONTEXT: Luke 2:1-7

There was no room for them in the inn, so the next option - a stable. Why a smelly, musty stable, as a maternity ward for the King of Glory? Surely He deserved the lap of luxury! Surely He deserved the precious palaces and the royal regalia! But no! A stable it was, amidst the bleating of sheep and the lowing of cows. But, the question remains – why?

Could it be, Dear Friend, that this was no mere coincidence. Could it be that this was not simply a result of overcrowding in the local inns, but rather a divinely orchestrated incident; an event which had to occur so that the ‘average Joe’ (like me) would not feel excluded. Let’s be honest – how many reading this would be able to identify with His Majesty, King Jesus, born in the rich palaces of royalty? Maybe you would, but I know I wouldn’t. My circumstances would not socially permit me to rub shoulders with royalty. One glance at my empty wallet reminds me of that. However, you know what, Friend, King Jesus thought so highly of you and me that He forfeited the riches and glory of Heaven to be born as a helpless, humble baby in a feeding trough situated in stable.

- Was it smelly? Perhaps. However, the “fragrance” of His love toward you, was stronger.

- Was it uncomfortable? Probably, but not as “uncomfortable” as a cruel cross that He would bear some 33 years later for you and for me.

As our faces differ so do our backgrounds; different experiences in life. Many of us are pretty average - we laugh, we cry, we are travelling along this road called life. The living God of the Bible, is no respecter of persons. In the midst of the ordinary and the common – He reveals himself to each of us this Advent.

That’s what the stable in Bethlehem spoke of – a Saviour who has come for all people, from all walks of life – the rich, the poor – you and me.

Pause and reflect:

· Has your circumstances in life rendered you feeling “unworthy”?

· How does it make you feel that King Jesus stooped so low?


Gentle Jesus, meek and mild

Born in stable alongside sheep and cow

No place for a king, yet one that you chose

With thanks and humility before you I bow

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